Sex In A Childrens Show, Complete Piece

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TOPIC_ICON4  view post Posted on 28/3/2006, 20:22

The Blu Lion

Terra e Mar Ligure


Questo testo che state per leggere non l'ho scritto io! L'ho trovato nella pagina web:
Sex In A Children’s Show


Oh yes 1st big major prose peice that I acually finished and didn't get board with after a while. I didn't really know how to catigorize this because it didn't really have essay or article as a topic and other was too genaric. Took me five days to write, one including proofreading.

Now I know you guys are going to hate me after this but...screw you. I've been meaning to explain this even if nobody agress with me. I want to state now that I don't really think this is absolutely true about every episode I talk about in this article. I write these things because 1) I have way to much free time 2) I watch to much TV and 3) It's just plain fun. I did like writing this article, there are somethings I would like to work on, like a better vocabulary but then nobody would understand what I was saying if I used really big words. Die hard fans are going to kill me and anti-fans will love me but either way I didn't write this to make people mad. I just wanted to express some ideas that have been haunting my mind for a long time. Plus my recent SBSP work fits in well with this too.

I was just going to upload the picture but after the 1st SB I knew I had to write this story. I am a big believer of the Sandy/ SpongeBob relationship even if it's completely impossible. The article goes a little into the reasons why they should be together and how he should be with other charecters. Some poeple I now may get on my case about slash and stuff but I'm not agenst all slash, especially when the staff of the show shows sign of it everywhere through out the episodes.

Another thing that wierds me out is how some people hate Sandy. She's an important Female role in the show so it's weird that they lothe her guts. Sure she's got some uncute and annoying trates that make her differ from the rest of the cast, but it gives her depth and personality. The most in depth of the charecters and it's not like they introduced into the middle of the series. I like Sandy, she's alright.

PLEASE give me your comentary. If you like the picture but not the story, than tell me why you didn't like the story. If you like the story tell me why you liked it. I put a lot of effort into both of these pieces and I would like a little more comments than just "TAT ROX!! ". It's my 1st one ok, just a little more love than usual, not a whole bunch but say why you liked or dislicked either piece. Plus if you have any information that I could add into this article please feel free to tell me and I'll add it. I do want to write another chapter explaining more of the sexual references, but I just couldn't add them all in the 1st one becasue it was too long already.

Thank you for putting up with me and any typos you may have seen. PLus reading such a risky topic. Thank you again.

Sex In A Childrens Show - Complete Piece

Sex In A Children’s Show

Cartoons are a voice to a starved individual if not just the people who watch them. As Homer Simpson once said that “Cartoons are just drawings that give you a cheap laugh.”, and then he stood up to reveal his butt crack. Cartoons live in the world we live in, just in an exaggerated way. They can say, do, see, and act anyway they want, and they live just as simple lives as we do. They express our own feelings and take us to places of our dreams. The people, who made them, use them to keep them sane. Without cartoons as an outlet for our emotions we would be a large bunch of crazy mad people thinking we can run off a cliff and make it across if you just don’t look down.
It’s strange to realize how much raw emotion goes into cartoons. Cartoons such as The Simpsons, which brought family matters into an animated world and helped connect people with their own problems, Ren & Stimpy, that mixed the old Tex Avery and Bob Clampet styles with gross and wild animation, and Animaniacs, that with all of it’s kid oriented topics managed to bring politics into a family household. These and several other shows had a few things in common; great whimsical characters, great but odd story lines that you can relate to in some way, and adult appeal. Now The Simpsons is an adult show, but how do kids shows become so popular with adults? Animaniacs reported a high viewing of 18-24 year olds, and the statistics is the same with other shows. Shows like SpongeBob SqaurePants (you knew the plot had to come soon).
SpongeBob, if you didn’t know already, is a kid show that airs on Nickelodeon and, as I write this, has the highest ratings than any other cartoon show out there right now. Not only are the kids digging it, but the typical age of 18-24 year olds is the biggest group of viewers watching this show. It has all the requirements of a good show too; great whimsical characters, great but odd story lines that you can relate to in some way, and adult appeal…Adult appeal? A yellow Sponge, with a snail that meows like a cat, who lives in a pineapple under the sea in a town called Bikini Bottom, and whose best friends are a pink starfish, named Patrick Starr, and a Squirrel, named Sandy Cheeks, has adult appeal? You’d be surprised. Hidden deep within every kid show is a naughty cartoonist. They try to sneak things only adults would know about in their shows and, even though you think people would be appealed about that, it’s the best thing about cartoons. You don’t get it as a child, but your parents are laughing about something that’s going right over your head, and when you’re their age you’ll get it too, but for now you’re just going to laugh at the fart jokes.
Now I’m not a SpongeBob hater. It’s one of my favorite shows out their today and I’ve seen just about every episode twice. I wish good things for the show and its staff, but lately, with the movie coming out and all, I’ve been a bit disappointed with the writing quality. It’s in that over rated stage where the name is what’s making the money and it’s not the essence of the show that brings in viewers. On a SBSP message board (which I think they would like to keep unnamed for the purpose of this article, but it is the best SBSP website I have found though) I happen to be wandering about just for this article, I came across a “Which is your least favorite episode?” topics. They mentioned all the ones I like. Comments like “the 1st season sucked” and “SpongeBob BC is the best shit ever” (in newbie form “SBBC iz ta SHIT FUK, YEY!”) just made me shake my head in shame. Just for the record, I am not a big of fan of the show as these people are which may help make a bigger impact for this article better, or detract my personal stasis.
I enjoy a well written cartoon with funny surprises and not the same old clichés in every episode. Things like in Dragon Ball Z or Yu-Gi-Oh! where every challenge is their toughest challenge and it takes 10 consecutive episodes to over come it. A good show is not for it’s action but for it’s cleverness (even if it involves action), how can the hero over come his problems and what secrets is he really hiding that you can’t guess on your own (I always say that if can predict the outcome it’s not a good joke). Another thing I look for in a good cartoon, ever since Animaniacs are those adult topics. To finally get to the point, SpongeBob SquarePants is filled with adult topics. The staff tells us that they do not write anything to be sexual or adult but that is horribly impossible in my opinion. Not even the writers of Barney could admit to not having a dirty thought when writing one of the scripts to the show.
The fallowing is article I’ve been meaning to write for some time now, because I’m surprised how ignorant the children of America are. We hide them from so much truth and they suffer from our over protection. I miss the days when you can hit a cartoon over the head with a mallet or make a bomb blow up in their face and everybody’s fine. SpongeBob doesn’t have that, but it’s still a great cartoon. I talk about how sexual the show gets and people give me a weird look (you’re giving me that look now), but it’s there. A simple show like Karate Choppers, as I’ve said to several of my friends is metaphor for sex. It’s my favorite episode of the whole show and not just for the hidden meaning.

Karate Choppers:
This episode is one of my most favorite episodes in the whole series. The jokes, lines and the timing are just perfectly put together. Most of the jokes are simple and predictable but original enough, that I haven’t seen them done in any other cartoon out there. The opening gag where Bob walks through his house making quacking noises and after three steps it opens up to reveal him stepping on duck toys. The funniest part of the episode, and my personal favorite, part is when Bob attacks a costumer thinking the guy is Sandy in disguise and replies, “Thought you get me at work, eh? Well you can’t, cause I’m bad, I’m mean, and I can do this *waves hands a swivel motion*.”
As funny as this episode maybe, it’s the most sexual. I can go through the whole show, bit by bit and point out every possible sign of sex in it. The episode creates the typical love story hidden underneath the obvious plot line. The moral in both versions of the story is the same: don’t mess around at work, or you could lose your job, but each story has a different way of telling it. One is just the obvious karate concept of the episode, and the hidden one is don’t let your sex life mess up your social life. Just to clear up some confusion, I don’t really think that the hidden story is true; I just have a way of reading in between the lines.
The episode starts with Bob walking to him home on his toes in anticipation. This could be like a man coming to his house knowing there is going to be a woman there to “please him”. He gets home; he sees no one there and sets down to relax. Then, all of the sudden, he’s hit with the full glory of women. They go at it for a while and then she leaves. Later that night, he calls her and sweat talks her (You need to have seen this ep to really be able to fallow along). The love play eventually gets rougher, as our lovers start experimenting in public areas, such as the grocery store. Many people find bizarre sexual pleaser in, the best way to say it, “about to get caught” situations. Even more so, our lovers proceed to go out in the open and romp around, even using rubber items and hot liquids (rubber tongs and hot sauce).
The next day, our hero is at work and he seems to have some difficulties being able to get over his girlfriend. She’s running through his mind and he can’t wait to get her in his pants again. If not her, than just the act of love making in general. He’s so busy thinking about it he’s messing up, he can’t do his job right. The costumer he attacks, let’s say is a women (not a man) and starts hitting on her. The boss notices this unusual behavior and won’t stand for this tomfoolery (that’s such a funny word). Our hero promises to stop this, but his hormones won’t stand it. Now the only explanation of the bathroom part is the boss finds our hero continuing his tomfoolery in one of the stalls (I must say it, spanking the monkey).
Now Mr. Krabs plays two different parts in this hidden story. One of the boss, and the second as a father figure (that’s his role in most of the show anyway). As a father, the idea of your boy fooln’ around with a girl at a young age is not right. The threat the father makes is, “If I continue to find you having sex with this girl, your grounded and you can never see her again!” And the boss still gives the threat of being fired. Jacking off in the bathroom is what made PeeWee Herman lose his job, so it’s no surprise that in the fast food business would be the same (especially if they didn’t wash their hands afterwards >_<;;; ).
Our hero now put down of the fact if he sees his lover again he could lose her forever. As he leaves his job/house, his girl shows up and starts trying to mess with him, like start making out. Through her mate’s desperate screams of protest, she fails to stop molesting him, because she knows he wants it and likes. “Your lips say ‘no’, but your loins say ‘yes!’” The boss walks out and finds the two grouping over each other and, with rage and impulse, fires/grounds the boy. Now let’s go back to the real plot at hand because here is another part in this episode I like. The reaction SpongeBob has to the news of being fired is the best over reacting I’ve ever seen in the show. All the other times are just trying to live up to this one, and fail to have the same reaction. The animation in the sequence is overly detailed and “wild”. It’s the most babyish SpongeBob has been, the only one that was able to compete was GrandMa’s Kisses for obvious reasons. You can almost feel the pain he has in this one as his face shrivels into his body, at 1st hiding his want to cry, then just lets it lose the pain as his livelyhood disappears. For as silly as a deal this is, you really get to understand how much of a joy fry cooking is to SpongeBob, and as a viewer you start to cry with him, trying to comprehend what just happen. You feel sorry for the little sponge and hope that some how Mr. Krabs will give him his job back. Just a little positive commentary for the staff of the show.
Anyway, our hero gets a second chance but no funny stuff. Another part of the show I like is all the different ideas Bob comes up with. “I know! We can squeeze things! *squeezes a rock*” “We can pretend to be plants *lies on ground, and pulses his arms and legs in the air back and forth* Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis.” That just cracks me up. So our love partners try to find entertainment other ways, giving up the old idea of erotic pleasure in open areas they head to a park, where all around them they see other people partaking in pleasures of sorts. Pleasures such as making out, sleeping together, or just being in love without the fear of losing your job. The fisherman (a fish that fishes, very clever), in the show, could be interpreted as these outsiders not aware of our lovers predicament. More evidence of a sexual side to this episode is when SB and Sandy talk about the fisherman casting cry, “Hiya!”:
SB: Hehe, that kinda sounded like…
Sandy: Karate?
SB: *big smile* Right NOW! *covers mouth in shock and looks around*
So when they settle down for something to eat, they start playing with the food in a way that reminds them of what they love so much. After a good round of playing with their food (and cutting the cheese), the man forgets about his raw instinct for the moment and gets back to the meal…only to be interrupted by his female partners lust for him. They forget about all they had been told, everything they had tried to stop, forget their punishment and loved like never before.
Later that day, Mr. Krabs, out for his evening constitutional, just happen to be walking through the same park as our heroes had resided in, with an oddly shaped umbrella as well. Like two lovers after “a good time”, they lay strewn across in the aftermath of their affair. Shocked by the bosses arrival, our hero admits that he had done something wrong but you can’t rid someone of his lively hood. Now the ending kinda throws me off, because the only explanation for the end is that the boss/father turns the kids’ love affair into a porn video or something but that’s just disturbing. Other than that I haven’t really figured out a good interpretation of the ending. Still,

Several other episodes don’t have as much fallow able story lines as that but have sex oriented topics within them. Here are another few shows that I’ve discovered a secret obsession.

The whole having FUN concept sounds too much like having “fun”, if you know what I mean. The picture Mr. Krabs takes of SpongeBob and Plankton, speaks a little blackmail to me. Like Karate Choppers Krabs plays the role of the concern father again. He knows Plankton is bad but doesn’t what to give up all hope for these tow “friends”.
SB: Common Plankton lets go. I forgot this was a no friend zone.
I kinda took this as a sign of bigotry and segregation. Plankton is after all a smaller life form than the rest of the cast.
The movie theater scene goes on with the boyfriend/girlfriend/boyfriend/friend, how ever you want to look at it, deal when one finds out that the other is cheating on him/her.
SB: What is this?
Plankton: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
SB: How can you not see it?!
*Later* SB: I think I’m going to be sick. How Long?
Plankton: How long what?
SB: How long have you been doing this?!!?
This is great choice of words on behalf of the writers. It’s a situation that anybody can deal with no matter what the topic is about. It feels like the writers were hiding a love story in this but just making a scenario close to the heart. These are words of pain and the writers really built the situation well. I only talk about this cause someone will look at this episode and see the homosexuality in it. It depends on how much you want to go into the deepest part of the story.

Rock-a-Bye Bivalve:
Oh God, this episode is just sick. Straight homosexuality (that’s an oxymoron). This ep encourages the slash of the show, which I’m not really ageist cause I believe most of the characters are gay anyway (Gary is the only one we know for sure is straight). 1st off, as two fish in the show were asking, how could a starfish and a sponge has a clam for a child anyway (I’ve asked this question about Mr. Krabs and Pearl a lot myself. Crab + Something = Whale????). As they continue to give Patrick the dominate male role and SB the female role, you forget that they’re both males. Not only is the whole concept a bit disgusting but you get so mad at Patrick’s laziness you don’t even want to forgive the fact that he’s stupid. I wonder what they were thinking with this. Ren and Stimpy have several episodes with stories like this and they’re gay for sure. You can’t blame this on lack of creativity, cause there are many other ideas they could have some up with. If you claim that you were writing a story to relate to people than why make it two men? You could have added Sandy into this situation. Were they trying to make homosexual adoptions look bad? All options point to homosexuality. There were so many other ways they could have gone with this episode and in my opinion; the one they picked wasn’t funny.

Your Shoe's Untied:
Oh I couldn’t go any further without mentioning this one. Right in the beginning, there is a very intention sexual bit. If you didn’t notice this one you should have stopped reading a long time ago. It starts out pretty easy. SB is sitting in his chair watching TV, and then the camera cuts to what he’s watching. On the screen there’s this live-action sequence of a pink dancing anemone jerking back and forth to elevator music. We cut back to Bob as he draws in closer to the TV, and his eyes widen as the show continues. Then off screen we hear Gary meow. SpongeBob yells out “Gary!” and switches the channel to a live-action football game. SB nervously turns to Gary, ”Hehe, I was just looking for the game. Yeah the game, that’s what I was watching.” Dude, that sounds like a porn watcher to me, if I’ve ever heard one. If not strait porn than like a naughty MTV special or something.

Sailor’s Mouth:
OK, we all know this episode was intentionally adult too, but it was made that way to teach us a lesson that swearing is bad, plus I couldn’t go through this article and not talk about it. Lets see if we can figure out all the swear words they talk about. According to Mr. Krabs, there are 13. The one that SB and Pat discover 1st I think is ‘Fuck’. There are 7 we know, that Squidward told us: Fuck, shit, ass, bitch, hell, damn, and ?. Somebody is going to have to help me with this with cause I don’t know all the words either. Now some of the other 13 could be: basterd, cock, pussy, balls, ect… sad to say I don’t that many. Most of the others I think are just optional slang words to cock and pussy and that’s more than 7.
One thing I also wanted to point out about this is that the adults knew the words but SB and Pat didn’t. I say this info protects SpongeBob’s reputation of being not gay and just really childish.

Artist Unknown:
This ep. had some bizarre phrases that could be the writers fault in not knowing what they are saying or they know what they were saying and meant it. Listen to the parts where SB makes the leap frog pictures. Don’t watch them and ignore the words “lead frog”.
SB: *to Squidward showing him a thing of origami*See, that’s you on the bottom
*moments later*SB: I call them rippy bits. See, you’re on top this time.
Now this next part you can watch so you can know what going on;
Squid: *jumping over the back of a chair* What do all these little bits of paper what you want to do?
I got to ask you, did they realize what they were saying? I’m sure they could have worded this differently, unless they REALLY meant to use theses exact words.

The Fry Cook Games:
Another new episode that encourages the Pat and Sponge slash. The end with the two of them, drawn with full on body building pecks and a six-pack, wrestling all over each other, even with Pat licking Bob’s bear foot (the foot fetish people probably went wild with that one), and ending with the two of them walking into the sunset after they realized what color underwear they wear (Sponge wearing pink underwear and Pat wearing Yellow, who later claims they were white when he bought them). After making an episode like that I would boast that it was sexual.

The Chaperone:
That whole song sequence is pretty risky. Here’s how to do The Sponge:
“Well 1st you take your leg and you stick it in the air.
Then you take the other one and jam it right up there.
You twist yourself around and give a great big lunge,
Now you're doin' The Sponge.”
That’s more suggestive than Elvis’ hips. This sound like something out of the Kama Sutra

Nudity is very popular in this show. The only purpose to talk about this is how the writers love to flaunt with the idea. It’s used so much, it’s almost like a fetish. There are several episodes with it but I don’t want to talk about them all, cause most of them are understandable, like they have a moral at the end or when it’s in the comfort of SB’s home (it’s your house you can walk around naked if you want). The reason I bring this topic up though is to have you ask yourself why they have so much nudity in a kids show at all. They even have products promoting the show’s nudity (SpongeBob NudiePants, I’m sure you may have seen that t-shirt).

Nature Pants:
Gratuitous nudity, EVERYWHERE! That’s what this episode was really about. Just lots of it, and even though they try to censor it there is still long periods of full frontal. Now it’s not like it’s horribly detailed, and there’s full frontal nudity in the cartoon life everywhere, from Bugs Bunny to Sonic, it’s just these characters ware cloths naturally and are even meant to be censored in the long run. So the staff just forgot about some things during the process but if you’re going to censor just don’t accidentally forget about some parts. Do it or don’t.

Squid's Day Off:
Censored for the whole show but just the upsetting idea of Squidward running through the streets only covered in bath soap, with Patrick praising the idea (like your own stupid would), and ending with both Squid and Bob half naked in the Krusty Krabs, a restaurant. The writers must have 70’s fever or something. Two episodes in the same season that support streaking. Just get naked.

Pre-Hibernation Week:
There was no reason to lose his pants in this episode. Sure it gives Sandy a reason to worry but Bob didn’t really benefit from the experience where in Ripped Pants and Hooky he learned a valuable lesson through embarrassment. Plus Sandy goes completely nuts (no pun intended) over SB. There’s never been an episode where she goes crazy over him like that. Since this ep. she’s never gone after him again, and why just Bob? Most other episodes they have wild adventures without each other, so why was she so obsessed over having fun with just HIM? I’m not saying that the writers just don’t have a way of keeping their relationship strong or anything, it’s just in this one she’s more desperate than usual.

There is a huge section of the show that comes with just about every episode but I can’t go over them all now and most of them I’ve already covered. This is homosexuality. As a quote from Tom Kenny in a mini interview, in the Nicktoons Magazine special #5 he was asked “Who’s More Stupid: Patrick of SpongeBob?” (This is significant)
Tom K: “Definitely Patrick. {laughs} SpongeBob is half stupid and half naïve. Patrick is one hundred percent uncut stupid. SpongeBob doesn’t know that thought. He thinks Patrick is a genius” (the fallowing was a © printing of Nickelodeon).
This is a nice little insight from the person who has to play the part of our hero cause in order to play a character you must understand how he thinks and works. An actor may have a bigger relationship with his part than a writer would because it becomes a personal experience. This info gives us an idea of how much Sb idolizes Pat to give us evidence of their homosexual sides. Now I’m not saying Kenny believes Bob is gay, as a matter of fact he doesn’t believe he is he’s gay (he’s sad it himself), but I wouldn’t be surprised if he runs with it and encourages the idea. So would we be getting more insight from this information than if we got it straight form the rest of the staff? In an article on line, the staff has said that he is not gay and none of the jokes were written with sexual or homosexual intent (but that’s why I wrote the article). Of course this could be true, and the show was written as a kid show and everybody has a happily ever after. The interviewers are asking the wrong type of questions. I wrote this article to prove there is some sort of sexual innuendos in the series and no matter what they say you can’t have art with without the controversy, even if the artist has the make the controversy. Plus its fate, you have to have sex in a show no matter how kiddy it is. In the same issue as Kenny’s mini interview, Carolyn Lawrence, the voice of Sandy, was asked this question:
“Nick: Will SB and Sandy become an item?” To which she replied;
Lawrence: I think they’re meant to be together, even though it would be a very difficult situation since Sandy needs air and SpongeBob needs water.”
I am a big supporter of the Sandy/Sponge thing because of this fate thing that cartoons are forced to fallow.

Valentine's Day:
I only bring this one up cause it could be the earliest definite signs of Patrick and SpongeBob’s, shall we say, interest in each other. A lot of other people, people who protest about gay relationships for one, look for signs of homosexuality in this show all the time to get it off air or something of that matter (me, I’m just doing it for the hell of it). This episode is about Valentine’s Day and people get flabber gusted over the idea that a man gives another man the biggest V-Day present of them all, and not the women. The staff protects this by saying (not directly),”That these are friends for life, BEST FRIENDS. FRIENDS!! Ok?” That’s the only way they can hide other options. But giving Pat the biggest V-day is the least you could do for your childhood friend. If you look past the homosexuality of it all (try it, it’s hard) they are best friends and will always be no matter what. Besides Pat’s t the only one who would stand Bob anyway. But after all teat trouble how could Sponge stand Pat? He just shakes his head and smiles,”That’s Patrick.” Only lovers/friends could have that much tolerance with each other.

Neptune's Spatula:
Neptune on the bike at the end. Big hunky man wants a young boy to cook for eternity with him and expresses that by jumping a two seating red bike and pats the other seat gesturing our hero to join him for a ride. Plus, Tom Kenny taking a shower is pretty scary. If you haven’t noticed Tom Kenny plays most of the live action characters.

Sandy, SpongeBob and the Worm:
Ok any story with a title like that is just wrong. Of course you can’t say that for every show with a bad title ‘cause most shows have one purpose. This ep. is a target because it really has no other significance to the style of the show. I mean, the writers obviously were running out of ideas, and the only eventful thing in this ep is SB actually out does Sandy for once, were previously she’s the one teaching him a lesson. This episode is so silly and pointless that there probably is no sexual intent to it, and I’m just being a real pervert. With a title like that how could you not get bad mental images? “What is this episode really about?”

We can’t assume anything with this show, the staff will come with new ideas and play with the ideas the public and fans come up with to keep the show fresh and popular. What we have to do is enjoy it. I like to over analyze things cause it’s fun and that fact that cartoon shows get secretly adult is the coolest thing in the word. It’s an inside joke that’s ok to get ten years later, plus you won’t feel like an idiot. Not only that but it’s what makes a show so great. Something good for adults and kids. Kids love the show for all the plain silliness of it and kids laugh at anything. Adult don’t have to watch stuff that’s mind numbingly painful that their kids enjoy. Both can sit in the living room together and laugh for different reasons. Cartoons for the ages give advice and bring family togetherness, even if their ways are naughty and adult.

Good websites to read (peoples opinions and news articles):

Thank you for putting up with my rants.

Ma questa sarebbe una Fan Fiction?
Sex In A Children’s Show
Una spiegazio delle puntate?

Edited by Squiddi (Panda) - 23/1/2007, 19:28
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Lilly95 forever
TOPIC_ICON5  view post Posted on 19/1/2009, 22:15

non sapevo che "karate che passione" avesse certi doppi sensi O_O , proverò magari a riguardarla su nickelodeon...
view post Posted on 19/1/2009, 23:00

The Blu Lion

Terra e Mar Ligure


CITAZIONE (Lilly95 forever @ 19/1/2009, 22:15)
non sapevo che "karate che passione" avesse certi doppi sensi O_O , proverò magari a riguardarla su nickelodeon...

Uhm... dopo aver letto questo testo e poi aver guardato il cartone forse ti sembrerà di notarli. Io però non la penso più così: sono dell'idea che non ci sia nessun doppio senso. Magari potrei ricambiare nuovamente idea in futuro.
Molto spesso le persone vedono cose che in realtà non ci sono.
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Lilly95 forever
view post Posted on 19/1/2009, 23:15

già, daltronde nel testo è citato anche che i produttori non intendevano assolutamente cose del genere
Lilly95 forever
view post Posted on 29/1/2009, 17:39

ieri ho visto la puntata, ma non credo che ci siano questi doppi sensi
Piccola Spugna
view post Posted on 20/5/2009, 20:22

io non li vedo sti doppi senzi...
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